GinaTricot Campaign 2023

Ginatricot x

the mindshift

Are brands ready for transparency? That is a common question within the fashion industry. Although the industry has long been reluctant to disclose information about the world behind how our clothes are made, a shift seems to be taking place. Gina Tricot is a pioneer in this shift towards sustainable production, by taking a big step regarding transparency. With this collection, Gina Tricot and PaperTale show that transparency can be accessible, without having to compromise on aesthetics.

the capsule collection

The collection was produced in Outso, the PaperTale's factory in Pakistan and the first factory where the PaperTale technology was implemented. Outso Wearables has currently reached the first of three Transparency levels: Civilian.

Putting PaperTale to the test
By making the PaperTale Technology available to Gina Tricot’s customers, our solution is put to the test. This collaboration is a case study in which questions around transparency can be explored. How can we refine the communication about transparency and sustainability? How can we refine impact calculation? And instead of transparency becoming a burden, is there a way in which it can empower every single stakeholder? By connecting every part of the fashion industry, from consumer to brand to factory, and even workers, could we co-create the future? Finally, what role can Blockchain Technology play in all of this? This project with Gina Tricot allows us to explore what impact transparency could have throughout the whole supply chain.
The beginning of a journey
Both for Outso and Gina Tricot, this collection marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards a sustainable fashion industry. For Gina Tricot it's a giant leap towards their commitment to their customers of becoming a sustainable brand by 2028. For Outso it is on the agenda to climb up to PaperTale’s highest level of transparency, the Legend status. All of these efforts allow consumers to start learning about the world behind the products they buy. It does not have to be a mystery who made your clothes, or what kind of impact the production had on the environment.
Positive change is possible. Let’s make it happen together.